Posted on 20-06-2014
Filed Under (ED Treatment, Main) by admin

Though most clinicians do not have the luxury of a detailed assessment of sexual dysfunction, a simple and quick assessment of erectile function is possible. The first step is to ask about sexual problems of any kind. Many patients may not volunteer information about their sexual difficulties, unless they are presenting with such a complaint. Studies have found that patients still face obstacles in addressing these concerns with their health care provider, often as a result of the clinician’s avoidance of the issue. Research indicates that patients with sexual dysfunctions wait, on average, 4 years before they receive appropriate treatment for their problems. Therefore, a general question about sexual problems should be a standard part of any medical or mental health evaluation.

Once a patient has identified a sexual concern, the next step is to determine if he indeed has a sexual dysfunction. Despite society’s apparent openness about sexuality, ignorance and misinformation about sexual function still abound. One important intervention that clinicians are often called upon to provide is accurate information about normal sexual response. Simple education and reassurance are sometimes the only treatment necessary. This depends on a clinician having both the requisite knowledge and the appropriate attitude to discuss sexual issues with his or her patient.

If the patient is experiencing ED, the next step is to describe the problem more specifically. The most important distinction to be made is between “generalized” ED and “situational” ED. Generalized ED is defined as a problem that occurs on all occasions of sexual arousal. This can be determined most simply by asking one question, “Do you ever have a full erection?” A patient who answers “No” manifests a generalized form of ED. Usually, more detailed questioning is required to accurately categorize the problem by asking the patient about: sexual activity with any partner, selfstimulation (i.e., masturbation), nocturnal erections, and spontaneous sexual arousal. The goal of all of these questions is the same, i.e., to determine if the patient is ever capable of a full erection. If the patient is able to obtain a full erection in any of these situations, the problem is labeled a situational case of ED. Viagra Australia – ed medications online in AUstralia.

Of particular interest are the patient’s nocturnal erections. Surprisingly, most patients are not aware that healthy men experience 4–5 erections every night during periods of REM sleep. It is therefore helpful to explain this when asking about nocturnal erections. The presence of at least occasional normal nocturnal erections is strong evidence that “the plumbing works” and is often a relief to patients.

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Posted on 31-10-2013
Filed Under (Main) by admin

The disease perspective makes sense ultimately when considered against a background of healthy function. Disease is an aberration of healthy cells or physiological functioning. Therefore, the disease perspective on problems of sex must also consider issues relating to the healthy body and sex.

From the viewpoint of physical health alone, sexual activity is exercise and as such is good for the general health of the body. Circulation is increased, muscles stretched, and endorphins released. But as with any exercise, the question may become one of quantity. In other words, is too much sex harmful to the body?

For men, there is a refractory period after ejaculation when a subsequent ejaculation is not possible. The refractory period gradually increases with aging, from minutes in a young man to several hours in an older man. This serves as a natural limit-setting mechanism. For women, dyspareunia—pain with intercourse—is a marker that the vaginal tissue is not prepared for more penetrative activity. The friction of the penis is not assuaged by vaginal lubrication and so pain occurs. Pain may also occur in women and men who manually stimulate their genitals to excess. Pain from abrasions, usually around the glans penis or clitoris, suggests that the skin of the glans is being damaged by too much sexual activity. But apart from the helpful signals of pain—in sexual organs or in other parts of the body (e.g., chest pain)—the effects of sexual activity on a healthy body are comparable to other forms of physical activity: sexual activity is good for the general health of the body.

From the viewpoint of psychological health and social adjustment, the question of too much sexual activity is usually relevant and, to be candid, controversial. Our culture is not one that likes limits—especially sexual limits or limits on what one can do with one’s body. From abortion to use of protective headgear for cyclists, any attempt to suggest, let alone legislate, limits on individual choice will be met with heated opposition.

Nevertheless, there is a point at which sexual activity can be detrimental to psychological health and social adjustment. The parallel with exercise is again helpful here. The norm to be used in addressing the question of whether a level of sexual activity is too much is whether the activity interferes with one’s psychological maturation or occupational or social functioning. Hours and hours spent in the gymnasium or in a sporting activity daily must detract from the development of other intellectual and interpersonal skills and relationships. Hours and hours thinking about, pursuing, and/or consummating sexual activity must also detract from the development of other intellectual and interpersonal skills and relationships. In this situation, then, too much sex (including thinking about sex) is not healthy for the whole person. I will have more to say about this when discussing the “overvalued idea” in the behavior perspective.

Can too little sexual activity hurt the body? There is no evidence that too little or no sexual activity does physical harm to the body. We know that during rapid eye movement (REM) sleep, individuals have a sexual response in terms of vaginal lubrication and erection. It is hypothesized that one of the functions of the lubrication and erection during sleep is oxygenation of the tissues involved. Nighttime sexual arousal may act as a preservative of the tissues necessary for sexual health. In the same self-regulatory manner, nocturnal emissions and ejaculations in men maintain a comfortable level of seminal fluid.

It is common wisdom that most physical activities have a “use it or lose it” factor. Muscles should be stretched; psychological resistance to physical inertia should be routinely surmounted. The same wisdom applies to sexual activity. Especially for postmenopausal women, the normal stretching of vaginal tissues during intercourse serves to preserve suppleness in the vaginal walls. For both men and women, sexual activity usually involves more than the genitals. Torso and limbs move, breathing increases, and the body is exercised. From a physical viewpoint alone, the “use it or lose it” wisdom does have application to sexual activity. Studies of the sexual activity of older persons repeatedly report that the greatest predictor of the level of sexual activity in older age is the amount of sexual activity during the individual’s younger years.

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Posted on 22-10-2013
Filed Under (Main) by admin

A normal erection requires the penis’ nerves and blood vessel systems to be intact and to have appropriate hormonal levels, but also is moderated by psychological factors. The penis is stimulated by both the autonomic nervous system — the part of the nervous system that functions independent of our conscious thought — and the somatic nervous system — the nervous system responsible for sensation and contraction of muscles attached to the penis. The glans or head and body of the penis have numerous sensory nerve endings that send messages of pain, temperature and touch back to the brain. The motor nerves stimulate the muscles in the pelvis and penis — the ischiocavernosus and bubocavernosus muscles — that are necessary to produce a rigid erection and ejaculation. The autonomic nervous system stimulates the rectum, bladder, prostate and sphincters, includes the cavernous nerve that stimulates the penis and controls the flow of blood during and after erection.

With sexual stimulation, the cavernous nerves release chemicals that significantly increase blood flow to the penis. The erectile tissue of the penis rapidly fills, expands and becomes erect. During sexual activity, the bulbocavernous and ischiocavernous muscles of the penis are stimulated, which compresses the base of the penis to make the penis even harder.

During emission, seminal fluid is released from the seminal vesicles and the prostate into the urethra. The bladder sphincter then closes, and the seminal fluid becomes trapped. As the amount of fluid builds in the urethra, the pressure increases and the sensation of the inevitability of ejaculation is experienced. The bulbocavernous muscle contracts and expels the semen forcibly from the urethra. Orgasm normally coincides with ejaculation.

Detumescence, or loss of erection, occurs shortly thereafter and is produced by the breakdown of the factors that cause erection.

Anatomy and Mechanism of Penile Erection

The cavernous nerves travel from the underside of the penis to the prostate. These nerves regulate blood flow within the penis during erection and flaccidity. In the flaccid state, inflow through the arteries is minimal and there is free outflow via the small veins exiting the spongy tissue just under the thick tunica (thick membrane surrounding the spongy tissue). During erection, the smooth muscle in the penis relaxes while the arteries widen to pump in more blood that expands the three cavities of the penis — also called sinusoidal spaces — to lengthen and enlarge the penis. The expansion of these cylinders compresses the small veins and reduces the outflow of blood.

Future Directions

Innovative research over the past several years has resulted in significant strides and improvement to understanding the anatomy and physiology of sexual function. For instance, increasing knowledge about details of the cavernous nerves in the pelvis led to refinement of nerve-sparing prostatectomy. Understanding the biochemistry of normal sexual functioning led to the development of medications including Sildenafil, Cialis and Levitra.

Current research is focusing on further understanding of the specific physiologic pathways responsible for normal sexual function, developing new, more effective agents for managing impotence and understanding how cavernous nerves heal and what factors can hasten the healing process. Use of “gene” or “stem cell” technology may be possible in the future, allowing men and their partners to enjoy better sexual health.

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Posted on 22-07-2012
Filed Under (ED Treatment, Main) by admin

Many men will develop erectile dysfunction after the age of 65. These men often find help with various FDA approved drugs. However, there are an increasing amount of younger men who are experiencing dysfunction and knowing the causes and risk factors can help many of them prevent the condition. Since there are a number of physical and non-physical causes of erectile dysfunction, it is vital to take the necessary changes needed holistically, to ensure that you are safeguarding your sexual health.

First, it has been determined that stress, anxiety, and depression play an important role in erectile dysfunction. These factors combined with an unhealthy lifestyle can lead to dysfunction. However, these root causes are often the easiest to treat without medicinal intervention. Alcohol use, substance abuse, and smoking are also attributed to erectile dysfunction. Therefore, the first steps in preventing dysfunction are to include the abstinence from illegal substances, quitting smoking, drinking alcohol only in moderation, reducing stress and anxiety, and treating depression as it occurs. By taking these steps, you are ensuring that you are doing everything possible to prevent erectile dysfunction and are protecting your health. Canadian Cialis

Often erectile dysfunction is caused by non-physical factors, as mentioned above. However, there are a number of physical conditions and diseases that will increase your chance of developing dysfunction. By understanding that these conditions increase your risk, you can speak with your health care professional and devise a strategy that will help you prevent the condition instead of having to seek a cure for erectile dysfunction. Two of the most common diseases associated with developing ED are Diabetes and Atherosclerosis or hardening of the arteries.

To obtain an erection three things must take place. First, the brain must receive sexual stimuli. The brain in return sends signals to the nervous system, where the nerves surrounding the penis respond. The circulatory system also comes into play. Once the nerves surrounding the penis respond, increased blood flow to the penis causes the penis to be engorged and an erection takes place. Diseases such as Diabetes and Atherosclerosis interfere with both the nervous system and the circulatory system.

Men who suffer from Diabetes may develop substantial nerve damage. This includes damage to the nerves surrounding the penis. In fact, over 80% of men with Diabetes will develop ED (as compared to only 25% of men without health conditions). Since Diabetes is such a common cause of erectile dysfunction it is imperative that you speak about this concern with your health care practitioner to ensure that you take the proper steps necessary to prevent dysfunction.

Heart disease and high blood pressure can also lead to erectile dysfunction. As these conditions impede the circulatory system and reduce blood flow, they also cause a significant amount of nerve damage. In fact, current research is beginning to recognize erectile dysfunction as an early sign of heart disease. By preventing Heart Disease through necessary lifestyle changes and monitoring high blood pressure, you can rest assured that you are also taking the steps necessary to prevent erectile dysfunction. If you have been diagnosed with Diabetes, Heart Disease, High Cholesterol, or High Blood Pressure, then you should consult with your health care practitioner and determine the best strategy necessary to gain control of these health issues.

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Posted on 12-07-2012
Filed Under (Main) by admin

ED is a condition where the penis would not harden and expand when a man is sexually excited, or when he can’t maintain an erection. A man who has problems getting or maintaining an erection ought to see his medical professional for aid if the state of repAir bothers him. CIALIS may aid a person with ED get and maintain an erection whenever he’s sexually excited.

– Despite the fact that I have extreme ED, may Cialis? work for meYes. Cialis? has been proven to work in guys with all severities of ED.

Even so separate outcomes may vary. Your doctor is your most suitable supply of data for therapy solutions for erectile dysfunction.

– If I have diabetes may Cialis? work for meYes. Outcomes from research of guys within the general population, this includes diabetics, and one examine of solely guys with diabetes showed that 68% of men with diabetes mellitus reported improved erections.

– How ought to I take Cialis? is available in a 20 mg dose and can be taken with or without food. Beginning in half-hour and for up to 36 hours after taking the pill, Cialis? can help you get an erection if your sexually stimulated. You outcomes may vary.

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  • Do not take Cialis? much more frequently than your doctor recommends.

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Posted on 10-07-2012
Filed Under (Main) by admin

Nowadays, erectile dysfunction patients can always go to the doctor for drugs to get harder erections. However, many impotent men are reluctant to do this for various reasons such as the risks of having negative side effects from the pills, regular trips to the doctor’s office is time consuming and expensive or just simply want natural ways to get their erections without medicines.

Well, whatever your reasons may be, in most cases, impotency can be cured or at least improved upon by natural means through a healthier lifestyle. The following are some tips on how you can get harder erections without taking the pills prescribed by your doctor.

Quit Smoking – Smoking damages your blood vessels and thus may obstruct smooth blood flow to your sex organ. When sexually excited, your penis is gorged with blood thereby causing the erection. Therefore when blood flow to your penis is impeded, then your erections will not be as hard or lasts as long.

Quitting smoking may be very difficult because of the strong addiction to nicotine, nut it can be done. With nicotine replacement aids such as nicotine gums and inhalers plus some determination on your part, you can defeat your smoking habit which may even save your life. Thousands of people all over the world successfully quit smoking everyday, including myself.

Moderate Alcohol Consumption – If you are a heavy drinker, you may wish to limit your alcohol consumption. Alcohol inhibits your production of testosterone. When your testosterone level is low, your libido will decline correspondingly.

Many medical studies have concluded that long term alcohol abuse can result in erectile dysfunction even while you are sober. Heavy drinking over a period of time can also damage your testicular cells and cause shrunken testicles. Just think what will it be like when you stand in front of your sexual partner with a limp penis and shrunken balls?

Regular Exercise Program – Begin a regular exercise program. Regular exercise strengthens your heart and lungs thus improving your blood circulation which in turn provides more blood to your penis when stimulated making it rock solid hard. Regular exercise can also lower your high blood pressure as well as relieving stress, both of which are known causes of erectile dysfunction in men and best of all, exercising regularly also encourage testosterone production.

Lose Weight – If you are overweight, this is the time to lose your excess weight. Studies have shown that obesity is linked to erectile dysfunction. This link has been shown in many epidemiological studies where obese men reported a higher frequency of difficulties in their sexual performances, especially in having erections.

If you have been doing all the above and still want to have even harder erections, then you may wish to contend with some herbal supplements. These are not drugs or medicines but are traditional herbs used for the treatment of impotency from various cultures. Here are two of them which have been known to be effective.

Tribulus Terrestris – Tribulus Terrestris is a herb that has been used in the traditionally in China and India for centuries. This herb is often used for the treatment of infertility, erectile dysfunction, and low sex drive. Clinical studies found that this herb can cause heightened sexual behavior and increase intracavernous pressure (hard erections) due to the increases in testosterone.

Tongkat Ali – Tongkat Ali is a tree native to Malaysia, Thailand, and Indonesia. When literally translated from Malay, it means “Ali’s walking stick”. The Tongkat Ali was hailed as the “Asian Viagra” in a May 1999 report in the New Sunday Times, Malaysia’s main English language newspaper.

The root of this tree has been used in Malaysia for many years by men who want to improve their libido and to treat erectile dysfunction.

As you can see, just by making some lifestyle adjustments and adding some herbs if preferred, you may be able to overcome your erectile dysfunction disorder and can impress your sexual partner with your new found hardness.

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Posted on 06-07-2012
Filed Under (Main) by admin

Impotence poses a large impact amid countless guys round the entire world. To a lot of, affected by impotence might suggest losing a piece of their manhood or their sexuality. The good news is, you’ll find a great deal of impotence cures accessible within the present. Cures for impotence, or impotence problems (ED), may be in the sort of health care answers or normal treatment that may easily be completed in your own home.

Impotence or erectile dysfunction may have varying ranges. Some could possibly be in a position to accomplish a harder erection, despite the fact that only within a quick interval. Other men might get it up, although not that rigid. There are also some that suffer from erection dysfunction when using a long-time partner or perhaps a new 1. And those that are most unlucky may possibly knowledge complete impotence or cannot get an erection in any way.

Though it may seem hopeless, there are treatments for impotence problems, and this may differ determined by its cause, which may either be healthcare or emotional, and even the two. If impotence is triggered by emotional troubles, remedy by conduct modification may be ample. If the situation is on account of medically connected concerns, which can be takes place in about 70 % from the circumstances, impotence solutions may be done in your own home or making use of therapies.

Numerous problems could bring about impotence or erection dysfunction. Between these situations are kidney illness, diabetes, multiple sclerosis, vascular illness, neurologic condition, and atherosclerosis. Drinking alcohol and cigarette smoking also contributes to the sexual dilemma in men. These circumstances lead to 70 % of impotence circumstances. All around 40 % of guys with diabetes suffer from erectile dysfunction. Youthful males may possibly encounter this sexual dilemma due to specific injuries or hormonal imbalance.

Psychotherapy, oral medicines, injectable drugs, or vacuum units could possibly be utilized by a medical skilled as impotence remedies. Blood vessel surgical procedure may also be used as treatment for impotence, although hardly ever done.

Viagra, Cialis, and Levitra are examples of oral drugs that tackle erection dysfunction. These remedies work by stimulating nitric oxide release, which compound helps strengthen blood movement through the penis, and their effects are often experienced following an hour. Despite the fact that these impotence solutions supply effective benefits, they shouldn’t be taken by guys who are suffering from heart situations, as aspect effects may incorporate high blood pressure.

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Posted on 02-07-2012
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When a man can’t get an erection to have sex or can’t keep an erection long enough to finish having sex, it’s called erectile dysfunction or impotence. Erectile dysfunction can occur at any age, but it is more common in men older than 65.

Erectile Dysfunction: Causes

Reduced blood flow to the penis. Like in other parts of the body, the arteries which take blood to the penis can become narrowed. The blood flow may then not be enough to cause an erection. ‘Risk factors’ can increase your chance of ‘narrowing of the arteries’. These include: getting older; high blood pressure; high cholesterol; smoking; diabetes.

Illnesses including kidney or heart disease, or diabetes, can cause erectile dysfunction

A reduction in blood flow to the penis, common in men who have hardening of the arteries

Diseases such as diabetes, kidney disease, chronic alcoholism, multiple sclerosis, atherosclerosis, and vascular disease account for a large percentage of cases of erectile dysfunction.

Symptoms of Erectile Dysfunction

Sometimes, erectile dysfunction (ED) only occurs in certain situations.

For example, you may be able to obtain an erection during masturbation, or you may find that you sometimes wake up with an erection. However, you may be unable to obtain an erection when you are with your sexual partner.

Erections depend on healthy blood flow to the penis. During an erection, vessels in the penis become engorged with blood to produce an erection. Many diseases that affect the blood vessels can interfere with blood flow to the penis. Atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries) and high blood pressure (hypertension) can cause abnormal blood flow to the penis and can affect a man’s ability to have an erection.

How is the condition diagnosed?

A medical evaluation is done when a man expresses concerns about erectile dysfunction to his healthcare provider. The evaluation may include a physical and psychological exam, and a written questionnaire on past sexual experiences. Lab tests are done to rule out certain diseases.

How is erectile dysfunction treated?

Drugs for treating ED can be taken orally, injected directly into the penis, or inserted into the urethra at the tip of the penis. In March 1998, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved Viagra, the first pill to treat ED. Since that time, vardenafil hydrochloride (Levitra) and tadalafil (Cialis) have also been approved. Additional oral medicines are being tested for safety and effectiveness

Oral therapy using one of the three ED drugs now on the market is the ‘first line’ treatment for erectile dysfunction, Dr. Langenstroer said, adding that primary care physicians most often prescribe these drugs. “Viagra, Levitra, and Cialis are all in the same class of drugs called phosphodiesterase inhibitors,” he said. “What they do in simple terms is block an enzyme and prolong erections by a process that is driven by nitric oxide.”

Many reasonable nonsurgical treatment options exist for erectile dysfunction (also called male impotence), including external vacuum devices, medications (oral and topical), hormonal therapy, penile injection therapy, and intraurethral pellet therapy. Sex counseling is another option and is discussed in Living With Erectile Dysfunction.

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Posted on 18-05-2011
Filed Under (Main) by ED Medications

Erectile Dysfunction is a disorder wherein the man wasn’t able to prolong the erection of his penis to finish the sexual activity. This disorder affects millions of men around the world.

One of the best and safest ways to treat erectile dysfunction is by using natural herbs. Natural herbs erectile dysfunction treatment are proven effective and don’t cause side effects, that’s why many are shifting to this type of alternative medication. In other words, if you would like to steer clear of the side effects of prescriptive medicines do try natural herb erectile dysfunction supplements.

There are various herbal plants used in erectile dysfunction treatment for improving sexual performance. Just try to inform your doctor if you decided to use any of the natural herb erectile dysfunction supplements. And also, some herbs can get in the way with medications, so, it is highly advisable to consult health professionals first.

These are the herbs and supplements that are used to treat erectile dysfunction:

-Horny Goat Weed: is use worldwide to treat some sexual problems like low libido. This herb boosts sperm production, and brings up the number of male sex hormone testosterone, which is precisely associated to sex drive. It has superb sex-enhancing effects.

-Gingko Bilbao: It is commonly used to boost memory and other psychological capabilities because it is said to improve blood flow and oxygen supply to the brain. In this case, it has effect on blood circulation, therefore it help those with erectile problems.

-Ginseng: is a natural herb erectile dysfunction supplement that improves over-all wellness and vitality. It is root that helps to loosen artery walls that can lead to smooth flow of blood throughout the body as well as the sexual organs. It is also called a revitalizer.

-Yohimbe: is a bark of a tree and is a well known aphrodisiac to increase libido. It can mostly be found in Africa, this is also being used in parts of Europe as a treatment to impotence. The only set-back is it has side effects that can be serious, even in small doses. Some complaints are nausea, fatigue, dizziness, a severe drop in blood pressure, anxiety, hallucinations, abdominal pain and the worst effect is paralysis. This herb is not allowed to be sold without a prescription.

-Tongkat Ali is a tree that is mostly grown in Indonesia, Thailand, and Malaysia. It was give the name the “Asian Viagra” because it can intensively remedy problems with erectile dysfunction.

-Ginseng and saw palmetto are two accepted herb that have say on the subject of erectile dysfunction but still have to be proven.

There are other herbal remedies that can help you conquer erectile dysfunction in a natural way. They are available in your kitchen so you can have it quick. Read on to discover how to prepare home-made natural herb erectile dysfunction remedies.

-Boost sexual conflict by putting in more red onion and raw garlic to your food intake. It is suggested to munch one small red onion and three garlic cloves every day. To make it more palatable, try adding it up to salads.

-Every night before you go to bed, add a few tbsp. of lemon juice and a few tsp. of eucalyptus oil in warm water and have a relaxing bath. Do this every night before retiring.

-A mixture of honey and avocado is said to rouse sexual desire. Try having this for dinner.

-Blend parsley, rosemary, and mint altogether and take 1 tsp. every day.

Furthermore, medics and the community cannot be made aware of which supplements or compounds are effective since no standards were imposed regarding the sale of the herbs. There are no current guidelines. Herbal supplements have gained a remarkable amount of exposure. The booming market for natural herb erectile dysfunction treatment plays a role in the promotion of many supplements and their noticeable benefits. Whether these herbal supplements have a value is questionable. Some supplements may give off results contradictory to those advertised.

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